Sponsor a Child Appeal
Many families living in rural communities struggle to support themselves. The economic situation in Zimbabwe in recent years has particularly affected the education sector in rural areas. Challenges include children leaving school to help families in subsistence farming, low teacher retention rates and dilapidated school infrastructure. As part of our school fees project we currently pay school fees for 50 children in primary and secondary school. With increasing demand, we need your help.
Your sponsorship commitment will enable a child in a rural community to hope for a better future.
Once sponsorship is set up if you wish to, you will receive an introduction letter and annual updates from the child you sponsor. You will also be able to introduce yourself to the child. All communication with children and their families will be through ZHEST.
At present school fees are £30 per year for primary school and £100 per year for secondary school.
Setting up a monthly donation is the most effective way of sponsoring a child. If you would like to sponsor a child, please set up your standing order with the bank details below:
ZHEST, The Co-operative Bank, Sort Code 089299, Account Number 65500684
Then contact info@zhest.org to inform us of your standing order and for assistance.
If for any reason you should decide to discontinue your sponsorship please let us know.
There are also other ways of making a donation towards our school fees project:
On Line: Please use above bank details to make a donation.
MyDonate: To make a donation using your Debit/Credit Card, or to create your own school fees project fundraising page for ZHEST, go to: https://mydonate.bt.com/charities/zimbabwehealtheducationandsustainabilitytrust
By post: You can also send cheques to ZHEST, C/O 63 The Mall, Swindon, SN1 4JA or contact us on 01793 322184 for more information
Gift Aid: If you are a UK tax payer and you make a donation through your bank, please contact info@zhest.org to gift aid your donation so that we can claim 25p for every £1 that you donate.
ZHEST membership
If you would like to have a say and be actively involved in deciding ZHEST’s priorities then become a member. Membership is free. You will be kept abreast of charity activities and invited to participate in the events we run throughout the year.
For more information on membership and for a membership form contact Robert Bird on 01793 322184 e-mail: robert.bird@zhest.org
Trustees Sought
We are seeking individuals with a commitment to our vision to join our board of trustees. We are particularly seeking those with experience of education, business and fundraising. While no previous experience of being a trustee is required, energy, time and making things happen are a requirement. If you are interested please contact Mutsai on 01793 322184 or mutsai@zhest.org